In the event of Adverse Weather

In the event of severe weather, especially heavy snow, I will conduct a risk assessment of the safety of the site and then consult with the CEO before making any decision to close the school for the day.

We always hope to avoid that scenario but the health and safety of our pupils and staff must be weighed against any inconvenience caused by closure.

If a decision is taken to close the school due to severe weather, we will alert parents by sending a text message and email by 7.00am on the morning of the closure.

You will also be able to view our status on South Gloucestershire’s website where they publish the School Opening Status on all schools.

This webpage is updated by the school directly which guarantees that you are viewing the most recent information available.-you can view our status HERE

Please note: it is the parents/carers’ responsibility to cancel taxi arrangements

We would ask that you please consult our website in the first instance to avoid high volumes of telephone enquiries.

Residential pupils
The care and support of residential pupils will not be affected by the potential school closures. We have a contingency plan in case of staffing issues due to roads being unsafe for travel.

Yours faithfully,

Dean Frances-Hawksley
Head Teacher